Under the name Tamaryn, New Zealand native Tamaryn Brown has released material that revels in the lush atmospherics of shoegaze. Her dreamlike songwriting and soft, narcotic voice have remained the focal points. After meeting in New York in the early 2000s, Brown and creative partner Rex John Shelverton — an instrumentalist and producer from California — based themselves out of San Francisco: The Waves, released in 2010 on Mexican Summer. For 2012’s Tender New Signs, Brown and Shelverton married the debut’s soft atmospheres with more structured songwriting. Tamarynsubsequent ly morphed into a solo outlet for Brown, whose 2014 activity included collaborative work with Drew McDowall on the score to a Brett Easton Ellis-directed short film/video for Dum Dum Girls‘ “Are You Okay?” Following a move back to New York, Brown recorded her 2015 album, the more electronic Cranekiss, with Jorge Elbrecht (Violens, Lansing-Dre iden) and Shaun Durkan (Weekend).
She currently is living in Los Angeles, writing, collaborating, on new material.